Jan 8, 2011


is the land where I feel the most loved and where we share kisses like nowhere else ...  This is the land where everything is pink, even Love is Pink... Where we are wearing Tutu's and Tiara's and playing princesses all day long. Here is no place for cars and boys things... We are having pink party's,sparkles on our eyes and playing with Barbie's. Oh, how i love that land, Mommyland... Here in our land, you can be what ever you want to be and we will support eachother. We have a dance sessions and we are playing hairdressers... Making braids is already a routine... We are all positive thinking and sometimes, when someone is sad, we just hug eachother and everyone is happy again.
I would like that all children would visit a Mommyland, but unfortunatelly they can't. A lot of them don't have the main part of visiting a Mommyland. That is a mommy... Or daddy, for a Daddyland... They have to grow up much earlier, sometimes they have to take care of brothers and sisters or just wish To Have brothers and sisters... I would like to have all this children here with me and share my love with them, because I have plenty of love to give... But this is just not possible... Only in my dreams...
And what about those couples, who can't have children?!? Who wish to have at least one and they can't? I wish there weren't such a long lines to conceive a baby in medical way or to addopt a baby. And why we can't addopt a baby from any country? Because there are so many children around the world, who would be so happy to have parents. And we just have to fight for years with all this papers to addopt. I wish everything would change in this way and couples could addopt or conceive a baby quickly, without waiting in lines...
I hope my prayers will come true and children's laughter would rule the world...
Cute smiles and sparkles,
Petra, the Mommy :)