Jan 12, 2011

How to know The Friend...

I'm sure we have a lot of friends. But who are our true friends?!? I know who is my BFF!!!
You can see her on the pictures above... She is the most positive and kind person I know... And funny,too :) Maja was my high school classmate... And now is my Best Friend... Love you, Maja  * * *

I was dissapointed so many times by the people who were treated like they are my very good friends... But time showed me that I was wrong and those persons wasn't my good friends... Some of them were just trying to use me in lots of different ways....
I guess we just weren't meant to be... I am not sad because of that, because like I wrote in some previous post, I stepped one step higher and learned of it...
Are you having days, when you feel all alone and friendless?!? You can use your favourite book to be your friend that day, your pet or even yourself... You should always be best friend to yourself...
And fight that you won't let yourself down...
Sincere friend,

p.s.: all the photos are taken by Me :)

Jan 11, 2011

Your way...

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a ballerina... and I became a dancer...
I wanted to go to a photography high school(which I didn't), but now (my passion didn't go away) my hobby is photography and I really enjoy taking pictures...And I've learned a lot in that way... 
Then I went in school for a fashion design and I got another way to express myself... I work as a fashion designer with leather designs...
Do you know why I'm saying all of this?!? Because I don't want that anybody would stop you from following your dreams... When your dreams are your passion, fight for it...
Don't listen to all the people who are trying to be smart and are afraid of the failure... Be strong and follow your dreams. Maybe you won't success immediately but don't give up.
Find the way to make it and you will make it... I'm sure of that!!!
Just be patient (sometimes it takes years to get where you want to) and you will get there,
 where you want to...
But don't loose yourself on your way to catch your dreams... And don't become self centered... Accept suggestions and chew them in your head to find out which are acceptable for you.
And like I always say, don't become pesimistic and be optimistic.
 Good energy will always bring something good...
Dream catchers,
your Petra

Jan 10, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

I didn't make all good decisions in life, but I don't regret any of it.
 Because I've learned from my mistakes.
If you are looking back into past and regreting this and that...DON'T!!! Move on, learn something of it!!!!
Take this as school... You (99%) didn't have all he highest grades...
And when you got bad grade,you learned so that you got better grade next time.
 The same is with Life...
When something is not the way you wanted, leave that behind you, step one step higher and be proud,
that you've learned something, what you won't do again...
 And if you will, than I guess you didn't learn enough... Eventually you will... Don't give up.
Be an artist with your life... All the painting aren't the best, but depends on the eyes who are looking at it... Maybe your life looks miserable to you, but I'm sure someone would switch with you in a second!
Think positive and cherish little things in your life. That will bring you higher than you think!
Sending you all the LOVE I got...,

Jan 8, 2011


is the land where I feel the most loved and where we share kisses like nowhere else ...  This is the land where everything is pink, even Love is Pink... Where we are wearing Tutu's and Tiara's and playing princesses all day long. Here is no place for cars and boys things... We are having pink party's,sparkles on our eyes and playing with Barbie's. Oh, how i love that land, Mommyland... Here in our land, you can be what ever you want to be and we will support eachother. We have a dance sessions and we are playing hairdressers... Making braids is already a routine... We are all positive thinking and sometimes, when someone is sad, we just hug eachother and everyone is happy again.
I would like that all children would visit a Mommyland, but unfortunatelly they can't. A lot of them don't have the main part of visiting a Mommyland. That is a mommy... Or daddy, for a Daddyland... They have to grow up much earlier, sometimes they have to take care of brothers and sisters or just wish To Have brothers and sisters... I would like to have all this children here with me and share my love with them, because I have plenty of love to give... But this is just not possible... Only in my dreams...
And what about those couples, who can't have children?!? Who wish to have at least one and they can't? I wish there weren't such a long lines to conceive a baby in medical way or to addopt a baby. And why we can't addopt a baby from any country? Because there are so many children around the world, who would be so happy to have parents. And we just have to fight for years with all this papers to addopt. I wish everything would change in this way and couples could addopt or conceive a baby quickly, without waiting in lines...
I hope my prayers will come true and children's laughter would rule the world...
Cute smiles and sparkles,
Petra, the Mommy :)

Jan 7, 2011

What do you see?

What do you see when you walk in the street? When you are in the shopping mall or when you are driving in the car, train, taxi...?!? Can I tell you what I see? I see bunch of people who don't have time for eachother, who are rushing around not even taking a deep breath... When we see some people we know, we don't even have time to talk to them for few minutes... Isn't that sad? Where is this world going? It became super fast and i think it will become even faster... That is why we have to take few minutes and clear our head and not just rush through life, because life is too short. We should go back to life when nature, relationships and familly was the main thing... Everything is valued by material things and money... If you ask me, we should all be the same, we should all have enough of everything we need for life (love, health, food and water) - what else do we need? Even my little girls knows that down there in Africa are a lot of poor people and a lot of children without parents. But that is not only in Africa.... It's the whole world ... and can we do anything about it?!? My special friend from India told me, that a lot of people are just having babies to beg easier... That is so sad... What a perfect world would it be, if every child on earth would have parents and would be raised in love and would have a  place called home... I'm dreaming of a world like this... But with all this differences that we see: rich vs. poor, we won't achieve this...
What about the nature's voice that is trying to say something to us...?!? In Australia had snow in the summertime, we have a climate change, weather is all messed up, we have a difference for 20 degrees from one day to another... Floods and fire all over the world... Nature is trying to say something to us, but we are keep ignoring her voice... Or is it too late?!?
We should all try to help Nature to come on her path again... each and every one of us can do something every day... Why do we use all those plastic bags which are only bad for our invironment... why do we have to light up a candle when flowers are enough. Or even a nice thought of someone that passed away is a good thing. Say a prayer for them... Better than candles that ends up in trash and make harm to our beautiful nature... Can you at least think about it?!?
Recycling and Good thoughts,
Yours Petra

Step into a happy life!

Are you sad?... feeling lonely?... depressed?... Try to find that sparkle in you, that will light up your face and you just have to convinse yourself to never let it go... I see myself as a grown up kid... and i will always be... despite that I'm married and have children... In my heart I am a kid...  are you too? Or did you lost that little princess /prince in your heart... If you did, now it's the right time to find it again.... It's always the right time...
I have a friend, J.B. , that is soooooo positive... I don't see her often, but she has always smile on her face and that inspires me.... She is kind, want to help others and makes the room more inviting when she is in it. She has a beautiful familly, her husband is the same as she is. Positive... And in some way she is my role model... I am a positive person, but since I saw her for the last time, I want to show everybody that you can be happy with little things. Things that brighten your day... Maybe that's a visit of a friend like is my J.B. or it's just a moment when you are reading your favourite book or a moment when you take time and pour hot water in your bath and have 30 minutes of silence... Embrace yourself and try to live each day without thinking what can happend tomorrow... If you will think too much of the future, you wont see and feel Today..... so, make a change today and say your dear ones that you love them. Don't be stubborn and see only one solution, because I'm sure there are at least 2, say a prayer or smile to a stranger. Be kind to a salesman, who is having a bad day and he is not showing you kindness. Maybe your smile will change his mind. It's not for sure, but you can try it and avoid anger and arguing... Step into a happy life today and if you don't know any positive person, who you could look up to, try to make a difference in you and you could help others to switch from being negative to being positive...
Smiles and Happiness,
your Petra

Jan 6, 2011

New Chapter in Our Life!

I was wondering why everybody is blogging.... and now I'm in this world of blogging too...
And what am I going to write... Let me see... Whoever knows me knows that I'm a mom of two, I'm a wife, I'm a fashion designer with a passion for photography and an make up artist... I have many hobies, but you can read all of this in About Me...
This first post is dedicated to all the people who are in love, were in love or will be in LOVE!
Love is a strange, unpredictable feeling and sometimes it shocks us.... I'm in Love with so many people and things in life... I have my familly that I'm in love with, I fell in love with the nature every day and I'm in love with a feeling that I have special friends around me... All of this things make my life positive and I'm blessed to live my life to the fullest, even with little things that make my life special... Even a little smile on my princess's face or a nice touch of my husband or even an funny e-mail from my best friend... We have to be happy for every little positive thing in our life... We have so many troubles, the World has so many troubles... can we see at least three positive things on the news?!? not so common...(The best thing that happend this days is, that Ted Williams, homeless guy, got a job as a radio speaker and now he even has a place called home. He was spotted on the street and some journalist recorded him and put him on a Youtube and his talent was seen...) That's why I think we should think positive more often. Take time for you and your loved ones and I think we can change the world... Maybe not the whole world, but the world we are living in. If every day 100 human beings would do that change, the world would be better and better... 
Today i heard a shocking news, that my dear friend and her partner split... So... how do we know when someone is the right for us... We say that we just feel it. But sometimes our feeling can let us down, I guess...
even when that happens, we have to carry our head up high and don't let be devastated by situation.... move on... Another day will bring you another good things that we have to enjoy in.... I hope that you will al least think about all of that, that I wrote and you will wake up in the morning and say to yourself: ''Hey, I'm going to enjoy this day, even at work or on the street, finding a job, ... because so many moments can go by and we don't even see or feel them''... Please, Inhale your life with a deep breath...
Lots of good energy and love,